Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To Hague or Not To Hague

We must admit that in as much as patriotism is required of all of us, doing things the Kenyan way has at times left us hanging on the wrong end of a short string. I cannot blame Kenyans for their cynicism and overall carelessness especially towards our political structure. In less than six months, Kenya has seen several scandals that have left us in shame and disappointment in the people we trust to make our policies.The Goldenberg scandal, Laiko Regency Hotel saga, Triton scandal and the most recent maize scandal are some of the cases that make us question the role of the anti corruption commission. Out of these, the few that have been taken to court have ended up either hitting a dead end or making a disappearing act. Does this mean that we will therefore, never solve any of our problems? Last year saw the worst loss of lives and property in Kenya’s recent past. True, the people involved must be held accountable for whatever they did or did not do. However, doesn’t taking the case to The Hague a clear sign that we have accepted the fact that we cannot, under any circumstances, solve our own problems?The idea of the tribunal must not be condemned unto the gates of Hades (not Hague). We, as a country have prayed time and again for an opportunity to redeem ourselves. This tribunal comes at a time when we have several cases to learn from. We can now choose what is beneficial and at the same time learn from our past mistakes. By allowing us to balance the people appointed to hear the case, we show that we can solve our problems and at the same time are welcome to any form of assistance that we may require. Solving our problems in a far off country is not solving them but pushing them far enough until they reach a place where we won’t be able to see any mediocrity being shown.This is the change we have been crying for. It is time that we learn, like developed countries, that any situation is a chance to learn and move forward. It’s about time we stopped depending on others to solve our problems, and at the same time we cannot fully trust our leaders. The only thing we can do is put our heads together and come up with solutions that are beneficial to us all. Not until the people from the Hague come for our help, we should not be so quick to run to them for it. So, to Hague or not to Hague, I’ll have the latter with everything on top.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Third World Relationships

Until recently, I thought relationships were all about love and understanding. Love and understanding, two words that seem to make everything else make sense. If I love you, then I understand you. If it were that simple then I think our politicians would listen to the people more. My simple mind allows me to assume that if I run for leadership over a certain post, then that means I have some level of love for the people I intend to show the way or at least understand their situation well enough to want to do whatever I can for them. Look at it this way, I treat my woman wrongly, then she will leave me or at least kick me out of the house regardless of whose name the title deed bares. Why the do I continue to live with this person who keeps on disappointing me, treating me like a stranger when I, in fact, put him where he is and made him who he is?
The average politician today is a true reflection of an adulterous, lying, greedy and self-centered man who would rather see his family starve (or burn) to death, than spend more time with them. The politician today wakes up every morning, goes to the bathroom, prepares for the day, goes to the kitchen, takes all the food he can get, prepares a hearty meal for himself, leaving almost nothing left for the family and goes off to work. The money he gets there he puts in an off shore account somewhere, yet his family lives in a palatial villa that looks beautiful from the outside but once you come inside, its occupants are dressed in tatters, emaciated and longing for anything that would make them live like the man of the house.
Another thing with this type of relationship is that the wife here has no say at all. Whatever means she has to air her views is thwarted by ridiculous laws the politician throws while at the dinner table, eating form his wife and children’s plate. Communication, an integral part of any relationship still exists in this family. The politician frequently calls his friends from work for the family meetings wrapped in silly names such as: The Family We Want or Family Fusion 2030. He allows the family members to speak their mind but does not allow himself to let the information sink in his mind. God forbid the children throw tantrums in the house; the whip made of an old gas pipe makes them produce tears that will be a grim reminder that he is the boss.
This relationship like any other has its ups and downs. Sometimes the family gets tired of the politician and asks for a divorce. At times however, the relationship may have stressed the family for many years, up to 24, leaving the wife no choice other than kicking the politician out of the house. The wife gets the next best man, the man who will give her the impression that things will be much better next time through sweet words and endless gifts. Once the wife accepts him, the family lives in a honey-moon state for a few months until reality hits them that this man, like any other politician is cut out of the same cloth. The memory of past relationships in this particular relationship is not as painful as the reality that over 70% of other families in the estate are treated much better than you. Other families in the leafy parts of the estate have better looking houses, bigger families and happier relationships than the one in picture. At least the woman drives a car almost as big as the one her man is driving. In this relationship, walking alone is a blessing. Sometimes neighbors make fun and call this family the Walking Family.
In this relationship, equality is a myth. The man and the woman’s lifestyles are so far apart that one would imagine Uncle Scrooge visiting a widow and her children. If I know anything about relationships is that they should not be miserable situations dictated by one party. Relationships are founded on love and understanding, ore-requisites for sacrifice and compromise. In this case, mister politician has no time to listen and understand his people. The sad thing is that this woman keeps on taking him back, or ends up choosing a politician that at the end of the day will prove to be the most useless man ever. I choose to pick my relationships wisely. Especially in 2012 when spouse will be hanging around wooing me with wise words and promises. There is nothing uninteresting about being single. This relationship shows me that it’s better a house run by children than a useless man.